The Emotion Definition of Emotion Emotion are reaction of human feelings to various situation they face can be in the front of fear pleasure, sadness, anger, and love. Emotion is a feeling or turmoil that araises in a person as a result of stimulation both from within himself and from about side. Kind of Emotion • Angry feeling : anger is the opposite of love, which is an emotion inside a human who decides someone’s feelings towards others. Hate is a negative emotion that can reduce one’s motivation for various activities. Example of anger hate, upset, angry, violent and irritated. • Feeling of Sorrow : Envy is a negative emotion in a person where the person feels less happy to see other people lucky. The meaning of “Envy” in it mixed with jealousy, hatred, dislike and envy toward others. How to improve Emotion management • Stop. This may be the most difficult...
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My fullname is Edel Trudis Uto I was born on February 24 1999 in Malaysia I came from East Flores My unique name is Energetic Edel. "Jagung Titi" " ( Typical East Flores Food) Corn is one of the main food in the district of East Flores. One of the processed corn which is very much appreciated by many people is Jagung Titi. In regional language jagung titi is called "Wata Kenae", it made from corn. It taste tasty even though no spices like salt or other flavorings are added, jagung titi is usually used as a friend for coffee or supplies for long trips,some eat it with side dishes and vegetables as a friend or even substitute rice. Jagung titi is more suitable for consumption when enjoying morning or afternoon coffee. The advantages from this food are can be stored for a long time, it easy to carry everywhere and as a snack for home and e...